children's issues

Children's Issues

If your marriage is over, and you will want to obtain a divorce, we also know that children’s issues will have to be decided too and that in most instances, custody, access, and support will be the lion’s share of your divorce. As is discussed on our webpage concerning Children and Custody, child custody and visitation decisions will be based upon establishing an arrangement that is in the best interests of your children. There is no exhaustive list of factors that the court will use when determining custody. Instead, the court will consider the “totality of circumstances” surrounding what is in the best interests of your child(ren). We urge you to read our webpage on Child Custody. It took a long time to write and contains a tremendous amount of helpful information.

Our Family Law Practice

We work with men and women at all stages of a family law or divorce issue. From the initial filing through post-judgment requests for modification or enforcement of a court order. We handle all matters arising out of your divorce, including but not limited to:

Child Custody (Residential)

  • Sole or Primary Custody plans
  • Shared Custody plans including
  • 4-3-3-4; 5-2-2-5; alternating weeks, and other shared custody plans

Child Custody (Legal)

  • Sole Legal Custody arrangements
  • Joint Legal Custody arrangements

Visitation and/or access

Child support

Spousal support


Voluntary Property Settlement Agreements

Separation Agreements

Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO’s)

We offer post-divorce or custody matters including but not limited to:

  • Parental Alienation
  • Parental kidnapping
  • Child Support Enforcement
  • Collection and collect defense for non-payment of child support
  • Modification of child support
  • Modification of visitation or access
  • Modification of Child Custody (Legal Custody)
  • Modification of Child Custody (Physical or Residential Custody)
  • Modification of Alimony
  • Contempt
  • Relocation of Custody Orders if you are moving.

Juvenile Court

We provide comprehensive legal counsel in legal matters involving or affecting juveniles, from CINA (child in need of assistance) cases to requests for guardianship, or adoption. We also handle child abuse and child neglect cases.

Adoptions & Guardianship


Shechtel and Associates, P.A. has assisted families in their adoption of children for many years. We do not locate or arrange for children to be adopted, however, if you have a child that you want to adopt, we know how to make it happen.


A guardian is someone appointed by the Court to assume legal responsibility for another person or another person’s property or both. Guardianship is appropriate when a disabled person, known as the ward, is unable to make responsible decisions concerning his or her medical care or financial situation, usually because of a physical or mental illness. Sometimes guardianship may be necessary to obtain consent for a specific medical procedure, for continuing ongoing medical care or for placing the ward in a safe living environment. Guardianship is also appropriate for children.

A Guardianship petition can be handled by you without an attorney, however, the procedure is complicated and has many requirements. We at Shechtel and Associates, P.A. have the experience to represent you and in the end, we will save you time and expense while obtaining a result that is in the best interests of someone you obviously love, as well as your family.

Don’t Hesitate To Ask


Feel free to get in touch with any inquiries and one of our friendly staff members will get back to you as soon as possible, we are here to help!

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