personal injury
Personal Injury
Personal injury means an injury to the body or the mind. Personal injury cases are known as tort claims. A tort is a wrongful action that injures a person. Tort claims are a complex area of the law and in some cases, self-representation can do you more harm than good. Tort cases arise from either the intentional or negligent actions of another.
How it happens
A personal injury case can arise from an accident involving a: car or automobile, truck, motorcycle, boat, ferry, vessel, jet ski, helicopter, airplane, tractor trailer, bus, train, Metro, pedestrian, or any other mode of transportation. Personal Injury cases also arise from a slip and fall, workplace injury, injury, product injury, or medical malpractice. Because there is such a huge range of cases that are considered personal injury, there are many different laws and rules of evidence involved, making this area of law difficult to navigate.
did you recently suffer a personal injury?
Were you recently involved in a collision? Were you on someone’s property and were injured because the property was not safe? Were you struck while walking across the street? Do you believe that you were injured because of the wrongful actions of someone else? Do you believe that an insurance company is trying to take advantage of you?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you should seriously consider retaining the services of Shechtel and Associates, P.A. We are your advocates. We fight for you so that you receive what you are entitled to receive under the law to compensate you for your loss.
We know that anyone can be injured doing normal day to day activities. Whether you were: walking down the street, on public transportation, in your car or truck, at the mall, or involved in some activity, you can get hurt because someone else was being careless and you suffered the consequences. For more than twenty years, we have helped injured persons receive compensation for their injuries.
Are you injuries keeping you from performing your daily task
We know that your being injured can cause: physical, psychological, and emotional harm. We know that not only you are affected, but your family and loved ones too. We know the pain of not being able to go to work because your doctor said that you have to stay home to recover, or worse, like being in the hospital or rehabilitation. We know the pain of suffering a substantial financial loss that always accompany being injured.
What you are entitled to under the law
Under the law, you are entitled to be compensated if you are injured because someone breached a duty of care to you, and you were injured as a direct and proximate result of their conduct. You may also be entitled to extra compensation if someone purposely wanted to harm you, or purposely caused you to be injured.
How we Help
We at Shechtel and Associates, P.A., offer a free, no obligation, initial consultation. We will meet with you at our offices, at the hospital, or at your home if you are too injured to travel. We will review the facts of your case with you and provide you with an initial opinion about your case. If you agree to retain us, we will then perform a no obligation incident investigation to determine more of the facts of your case. We will then meet with you many times to keep you up to date with the progress of your case. With our money due up-front, it is highly suggested that you telephone us to receive your free consultation. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
All personal injury cases require that: witnesses, evidence, documents, letters, photographs, studies, medical reports, be well prepared for Court. All personal injury actions in Maryland are subject to a three year statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is a limitation on the time that an injured party is allowed to file a legal case for compensation. Maryland’s three year statute of limitations for a negligence claim starts running on the day you suffer an injury. If your case involves an intentional tort, like assault, battery, slander, defamation, or libel, Maryland has a one year statute of limitations (the above list is not a complete listing of all torts under District of Columbia or Maryland law).
In Maryland, there are certain defenses that may be claimed that can bar your recovery, like contributory negligence or assumption of the risk. These legal terms and their definitions can be tricky and are full of legalese. To avoid your claim being dismissed or prejudiced, you need the assistance of an attorney.
One of the principal reasons why we at Shechtel and Associates, P.A., are different from many other law firms is that we will not rush you into a settlement. We want you to meet with your doctors to determine in detail all of your injuries before you agree to a release. We want you to be sure that you are fully recovered to the maximum possible extent. Our focus is on you, your family, and your rehabilitation.
We will meet with you to discuss whether you should settle your case or take it to trial. We are known as lawyers who are not afraid to take a case to court. We try cases on a regular basis. Our firm is also different from most because if your case presents a unique issue, or requires specialized knowledge or training, we have a history of working with doctors, therapists, rehabilitation experts, and other lawyers who have the skill, experience, and knowledge to represent your best interests. We can and will retain the expert assistance that your case requires.
There is only one way for you to get top dollar for your case, and that is to present your case with all of the facts well prepared. It is of no matter to us if your case is concluded by settlement or trial, our mission is the same. We want you to be fully compensated for your injuries to the maximum extent possible.
If you have suffered a personal injury, please call us for your free consultation at (301) 309-1440. We help you get the money that you deserve.
Don’t Hesitate To Ask
Feel free to get in touch with any enquiries and one of our friendly members of staff will get back to you as soon as possible, we are here to help !